In one word

My friend Elaine posted something on her blog that made me think. She asked: What one word, phrase, or quote would you like to make a part of your life this year? The word Elaine picked was simplicity. You can read her post here.

As I mulled over her question, I thought of a word of my own that I would like to see in my life in 2009. Relationship. 

I have dwelled on that little word all day, and it has inspired me! 🙂

I so often fall into the trap of measuring my worth by how much time I spend serving others, living a perfect life, praying, or reading God’s word. All of these are great and necessary things. But today, once again, I realize that more than ANYTHING, Jesus just wants a relationship with me. Knowing that is so liberating! It takes away the pressure to perform, to do, do, do, and sets me free to simply be myself with him.

Jesus is my friend. He likes me. He’s on my side of the fence. And he loves hanging out with me.

When I consider his character, how generous and merciful and full of grace and peace he is, I wonder why my heart draws back from him so often. Why do I pass him by so many times doing my busy-life thing?

 This year, I want to turn my heart towards Jesus more often and make being with him my most important priority. It is not something I want to work at and be-labor though. When my heart is open and aware of who Jesus is and that he wants to know me even more than I want to know him, it is easy to be with him. Pure and simple.

I read in Psalm 135 today that God has chosen Israel for his own special treasure. I always apply the bible to myself, and since I believe that all believers are part of the spiritual Israel, this goes for me too. I am Jesus’ treasure. If I take that a step further and bear in mind that Jesus himself said: “Where your treasure is your heart will be also”, then I can safely assume that God’s heart is totally bent towards me!  Wow.  What a mind-blowingly precious thought. 

I really hope that having a mindset of simply ‘hanging with Jesus’ and being in relationship with him, will create a cup-runneth-over scenario which will help to make my other relationships work better. My hubby. My kids. My extended family. My friends. My church. My students and colleagues…the list is endless. I could do with some growth in all the relationships in my life. 🙂

What about you? Is there a word or phrase or quote that sums up your hopes for 2009? Wanna share?

12 responses to “In one word

  1. This is an inspirational post! Thank you.

  2. Isaiah 30:15 “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength..” This is my new favorite verse. After my baby’s death, there was no rest, my mind was 100 mph full of “what if’s”. I was terrified for my other children. This verse tells me that I have to rest in my salvation, in Jesus. And that my strength comes from trust in Him. Only He can quiet my mind. I love that verse.

  3. Someone just told me about the one word idea last night. I know my word is pause. As in I need to pause..pause before I speak, pause before I eat, pause before I act without thinking. Pause. If I pause, give my heart a minute to actually be able to hear the Holy Spirit, maybe I’ll get myself in a lot less trouble. 🙂

    And I LOVE what you said about God’s heart being bent towards us since we are His treasure! I had never looked at it that way! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Blessings to you as you draw closer to Him this year!

  4. Elaine has me thinking with this one. I still haven’t came up with one. But, when I do I’ll blog about it.

    I love your post. It is eye opening. Thanks.

  5. Interestingly enough, I just posted a blog tonight based quite a bit on relationships. How ironic! Take a peek at it if you would like…

    Relationships are my focus too, for this coming year 🙂

  6. Hmmm…I have a few. I can’t pinpoint one.
    Streamline, revival and rejuvenation and I think relationships would also apply.
    We’re coming out of a 3 year ordeal. We’ve been hit on every side and MUCH loss has occurred. But God has used it to deepen our walk with Him, heal from serious past issues, get us going on the path of ministry that we just weren’t ready for before and get us ready for the next step that He has for us.

    So these “words” have really been on my heart and my hubby’s heart too. We’re looking forward to what 2009 has in store for us, as we (and our kids) really need this streamlining, revival, rejuvenation and relationship with Jesus, ourselves and others.

    Great topic!!

  7. Hmmm…I have a few. I can’t pinpoint one.
    Streamline, revival and rejuvenation and I think relationships would also apply.
    We’re coming out of a 3 year ordeal. We’ve been hit on every side and MUCH loss has occurred. But God has used it to deepen our walk with Him, heal from serious past issues, get us going on the path of ministry that we just weren’t ready for before and get us ready for the next step that He has for us.

    So these “words” have really been on my heart and my hubby’s heart too. We’re looking forward to what 2009 has in store for us, as we (and our kids) really need this streamlining, revival, rejuvenation and relationship with Jesus, ourselves and others.

    Great topic!!

  8. Sorry it posted twice. My computer freaked out for a second there.

  9. I like your word and the words that others have come up with. I would love to take them all and make them a part of my life this year, perhaps they may without my even being aware of it, but if I do that then I am trying to take over from God what He wants to do.

    I love the bit about being Jesus’ treasure, it has to do with being the “apple of His eye” something we all are when we are His.

    Thanks for sharing.

  10. My one word would be trust.
    I just read the verse shared about Isaiah 30:15 that in an Elisabeth Elliot devotion about being still. It was about how silence and stillness is a form of worship.
    Your post reminds me of a sermon I heard once where a theologian was asked what is the most important thing he had learned in all his study. He answered “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.” If I remember he loves me and I can trust him that pretty much takes care of everything else.

  11. I had been pondering this for several days and then it just came to me in a quiet, blanking out kind of moment. Eternity! Is what I am doing with my time, my money, my words, my talents, my energy, etc., of eternal value? Because in teh end that is all that will be left, our investment in eternity. So I am going to try to ask myself that more this year as I seek to become more of what God wants for me.

    Thanks for challenging us think about this.

  12. Pingback: Relationship « Autism In a Word

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