Back home :-)

We arrived home a couple of hours ago from our missions trip to Alabama. I am glad we went, it was a learning experience as well as a wonderful time of fellowship with our pastor, his wife, and another couple who will most likely move to Alalbama to head up the new church and bible school there. The meetings went well, the people there were hungry for the things of God, and seeing hills/mountains again was a feast for the eyes.

I had some moments where I really missed Jenna, especially when the other couple talked fondly about the escapades of their little toddler, whose grandmother was taking care of him while we were gone. They kept on getting pictures emailed to their cell phone to show them what a good time he was having with the pastor’s kids, and hubby and I just exchanged a glance…wouldn’t it be so nice to be able to get a picture emailed from heaven to show us how much fun Jenna is having?

The boys had a wonderful time while we were away. Our friends Holland and Sarah had them over at their house and everyone had a blast. Holland is a kid at heart and he has just as much fun with my boys as one of their peers would. I half expected them to be waiting here for us at our house when we arrived but they are still at Holland and Sarah’s house carving things out of bamboo sticks. 🙂

I have a busy week ahead. My mom is flying over from South Africa at the end of the week. I am looking forward to seeing her. Then it will be Jenna’s birthday on Sunday. Our church is having a conference this weekend too which means extra meetings. And the following weekend we will be camping. Phew! I get tired just typing all of that out. 🙂

I don’t really have much to say at the moment. I am in a good place and just being with our church family this weekend has given me a fresh desire to press into everything God has for me. I am so aware of that call and yet I get so frustrated with my own lack of discipline at times. If I had just stuck to practising my guitar last year I would be a proficient player by now. I know I may need to lead worship one day and it would be so much easier to do it with a guitar as opposed to a piano.

Anyhow, we were all asked to get up and share at every meeting and hubby shared something that I enjoyed.  He talked about the parable about the laborers, where the farmer hired workers to work for him at the beginning of the day, and went and rounded up more workers as the day progressed. Those who were hired first expected more pay, but the farmer in his generosity paid all of the workers the same wage at the end.

Hubby and I are both easy going by nature and we are often so aware of the wasted time in our lives where we didn’t quite “number our days so that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.”  It is always so easy to get distracted with other things and neglect the most important thing, which is spending time with God! If we had just spent more time studying the word, or practising our instruments,  who knows where we would be right now as far as ministry is concerned. Yet it is encouraging to realise that even for those of us who might take a little longer to get ourselves into gear, God in his mercy and generosity still gives the same reward that he gives to those who had worked and laboured for him all day. All God really wants is for us to be a willing vessel that he can pour all his goodness into so that we in turn can carry it to others. And if we only wake up and make ourselves fully available to him at the eleventh hour he will still use us as much as we will let him.

Anyhow, dear friends…I’m HONGRY. I had a bagel for breakfast and my tummy is rumbling. Time to get off this here computer and plug the hole in my stomach. 🙂

2 responses to “Back home :-)

  1. Sounds like you had a very nice weekend!! I’ve been keeping you in prayer.

    Love you!

    Cynthia Y.

  2. I’m glad to see you back. I have found that I check your site every day now. I so enjoy what you write, and you have been such an encouragement to my heart not to delve into self pity. I’m finally starting to want to get out there and be with people again, and finding that it feels good in a way that I didn’t expect. I appreciate your wisdom and spirit so much. Thanks for the comment you left me! 🙂 I’m glad you had already thought of the quilt idea. And I must admit that I kind of liked your idea of enlisting help. It is kind of fun to work on, but I’ve gotten bogged down with it and don’t feel like picking it back up. Either I will one day – far from now – finish the thing, or someone will take pity on me and help! I hope that your week goes well – glad your mom is coming.

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